Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Oracle 23ai: Comparing and Sorting JSON Datatypes


- Overview:

  • Oracle first introduced the JSON datatype in Oracle database 21c.
  • Oracle Database 23ai introduces the option to compare and sort JSON datatypes.
    • It allows equality comparison and sorting of JSON values.
    • It is supported in WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses.
    • It makes for more powerful SQL/JSON programs.
    • Avoids unexpected datatype conversion problems.
In this blog, I'll show different demos demonstrating JSON datatype comparing and sorting.

- Prerequisites:
  • Oracle Database 23ai.
  • SQL Developer.

Demo #1: Compare JSON Documents in Two Tables

1. Create two tables with a column, which has a JSON datatype. 

create table json_data1 (col1 json);
create table json_data2 (col2 json);

2. Insert JSON documents into both tables with a name object has name and address fields, and address field has street and city individual fields.
INSERT into json_data1 
values (' {"name":"Scott", "address": {"street":"123 Bay St", "City":"Toronto"} }');
INSERT into json_data2 
values (' {"name":"Adam", "address": {"City":"Toronto", "street":"123 Bay St"} }');

    - You notice that the city and street in above JSON documents are in a different order across the two different tables.

3. Join the two tables on address field.
    - Prior to 23ai, we would need to know the fields within the address to compare individual fields.
    - However in 23ai, this becomes much more easier, where we join two tables with address fields without pointing to the individual fields within the field address as shown below.

select * from json_data1 t1, json_data2 t2 where t1.col1.address = t2.col2.address;

Demo #2: JSON Type Comparison

1. Create a table with a column, which has a JSON datatype.

create table json_tab (col1 json);

2. Insert JSON documents with a name object has fname and lname fields.

insert into json_tab values ('{"name": {"fname":"Scott", "lname":"Tiger"} }');
insert into json_tab values ('{"name": {"fname":"Adam", "lname":"Smith"} }');
insert into json_tab values ('{"name": {"lname":"Tiger", "fname":"Scott"} }');

3. Query the table by trying to match name object where fname/lname fields are in a different order. 
    - Notice that, the query will return the first 2 documents where fname/lname fields are in a different order and fname/lname fields are in the same order.

select * from json_tab t
where = json('{"lname":"Tiger", "fname":"Scott"}');

Demo #3: Sorting Mixed JSON Type Values

1. Create a table with a column, which has a JSON datatype.

create table json_sort (col1 json);

2. Insert different documents with a variety of  array, numeric, and string values.

insert into json_sort values ('{"jdoc": {"a":"b", "c": 1} }'); --- object 
insert into json_sort values ('{"jdoc": {"a":"z", "c": 10} }'); --- object
insert into json_sort values ('{"jdoc": [100, 500, 1000] }'); --- Array
insert into json_sort values ('{"jdoc": 20 }'); --- numeric  
insert into json_sort values ('{"jdoc": 60 }'); --- numeric 
insert into json_sort values ('{"jdoc": "10" }'); --- string

3. Query the rows using string ordering (using JSON_SERIALIZE function).

select t.col1.jdoc from json_sort t order by JSON_SERIALIZE(t.col1.jdoc);

4. Query the rows in JSON type default order, which is number, string, object, array.

select t.col1.jdoc from json_sort t order by t.col1.jdoc;

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